Sunday, January 30, 2011

Requirements for applying jobs in Canada

These are the requirements for your application in jobs posted from Super Select Canada Services Ltd. They will not process your applications unless you've satisfied their requirements.

1. A detailed resume with job descriptions and 2x2 picture,2. or more contact numbers and emergency numbers.

2. Employment and training or seminar sertificates

3. Work photos – 3 poses of pictures while working on the job.

Follow Guidelines:

- Resume should break down your employment history with job descriptions. Indicate how many years you have worked in that company and place your day to day tasks.

- Employment certificates should indicate the length of service you have rendered with that company.

- Pictures at work should show the different steps and procedures in your work. Not posing in front of car or machine.

Example: A photo showing you unscrewing the cover of machine, washing the dishes, serving the customers, wiping the floor, trouble shooting the engine, hammering the wall, cooking the dishes inside the kitchen, etc…

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